Can Superphones, BlackBerry X OS Breath Life To PlayBook?
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BBX is new BlackBerry’s new OS, it has been revealed. According to “multiple sources,” BlackBerry X is the new platform to be announced at DevCon October 18 – 20 in San Francisco.

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The update to QNX, Research In Motion’s existing platform, is to be launched this month, and represents the coming together of BlackBerry and QNX, meaning it will be used across future smartphones and Playbook tabs, according to CrackBerry.

BlackBerry new SuperPhones on the new BBX platform are also to be debuted at DevCon, codenamed “Colt” rumoured to be full-4.1″ touchscreen, a mini-PlayBook of sorts.

Whether these new developments can breath life back into the troubled phone maker is another matter.

Just last week, rumours surfaced BlackBerry would discontinue making its PlayBook, which has not sold nearly as well as RIM expected.

 “This is not BlackBerry TEN, but rather B B EX representing the coming together of BlackBerry and QNX,” the CrackBerry report says. Apple has iOS… RIM can have BBX.”

The OS sounds like RIM’s answer to Google’s soon to be released Ice Cream sandwich, which bridges the gap between a smartphone and tablet OS.


All BlackBerry Dev Con attendes will be given a new 16GB Playbook to keep. (That’s certainly one way to push it.)

DevCon Aisa is taking palce in Bangkok December 7-8th.